How does a lamp become intelligent? | DF LAB: Inventor Series EP04

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EP04 Guide for Night Light Workshop



In this workshop, students will design and make a night light. The night light is so amazing because it can automatically turn on at night and off at day.

Difficulty Level: 2



Age: k2-k4

Number of Participants: 1~24

● Prepare a name label for each student in case they don’t know each other

● Arrange tables and chairs in U-shape for each team

● Put tools and other materials in two specified places of the room

Learning Goals

● Design and make a night light

● Learn to build up a circuit with BOSON

● Use digital media tools to shoot video clips


● BOSON Inventor Kit V1.0 (Refer to introduction for more details)

● Thin Colored Paper

● Glass Bottles


● Scissors

● Velcro

● Knife

● Glue

● Camera or Smart Phone


1~1.5 hours

Award and Evaluation Criteria

Students should be informed of the award and evaluation criteria. Special awards will be given to individuals or teams who perform well in the competition.


● Warm-up

5min Get to know RGB

● Introduction

8~12min a. What is BOSON? b. Project interaction display c. Get to know modules and learn how to connect

● Start Making

10~20min a. Analyze and check b. Assemble c. Decoration


5min a. Test structure and function


5~10min a. Project optimization


5~20min a. Video shooting b. Project presentation


5min Project evaluation

●Clean up

5min Dismantle projects and clean up


5min Projects review

Warm-up (5min): teachers use the picture shown below to explain RGB and lead students to recognize color in our world.


Question : What colors cannot be made from a combination of any other colors?

Answer: Red, Green, Blue


a.What is BOSON?

b.Project interaction display

c. Get to know modules and learn how to connect

What is BOSON? Teachers play the video below to show students what BOSON is?

Project interaction present

● Teachers demonstrate the project interaction effect using material objects.

● Present the project effect by playing video

BOSON module function and connection

Teachers tell students the module name and similar applications in daily life.

The night light needs power from main-board and power source.


How can the night light sense day and night? Use a light sensor, it is a sensor.


Then night light must have beautiful decorative lamp. Use the multicolor string light, it is an actuator.


The night light turns on at day, and turn off at night, which is exactly opposite from our expectation. What should we do? The logic “Not”module works here.


Have you noticed the color of these BOSON modules? Red is for power supply, blue for sensor, and green for actuator. How to connect them correctly?

Place the blue sensor on the left side of the power board, and the green actuator on the right side.


The yellow function module can be placed between the sensor and the power main board or between the power main board and the actuator according to its function.


Start Making (10min~20min):

Analyze (how to realize functions and connect hardware) and check; assemble; decorate.


Test (5min):

Test whether the project structure is firm and all the modules are tightly clamped.

Test whether the night light works as expected.

Optimization (5~10min):

Where should you put your night light to make it more sensitive to day and night?


a.Turn off the lights in the room, shoot a video for the project, and post it to social account.

● Project display

● Effect demonstration

● Group photo

b.Present and introduce the project on stage

● Introduce the basic function of the project

● What improvements have you made? And why do you do that?

● What’s the highlight of your project?

Evaluation (5min)

Assess students’ works according to the Evaluation Criteria(see appendix) and select the best one.

Clean up (5min)

●Dismantle the BOSON module on the project

●Put all modules back to the BOSON box.

●Put Inventor Kit and Tools to the specified place.

●Clean up the litters on the table and ground.

Rethink (5min)

●Why can the night light be on at night and go out during the day?

●Why do we need the “Not” module here? Can you find other application cases related to this module in daily life?


Here are some factors that should be taken into account when designing this workshop, and teachers can adjust, add or cancel some unimportant parts of the process as actual conditions.

●Age: adjust the requirement of skill and knowledge according to students’ age and cognitive ability.

●Time: 50 minutes or more.

●Number of Students: control the number of students and choose to carry out a project in the form of individuals or groups as the actual scene.


Paper Model & Lego: Paper,lego blocks or other materials can also be used to design a night light.

Evaluation Criteria: teachers can observe students in the whole process to evaluate their performance.

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