This set of content is an introductory tutorial for the UNIHIKER Python code. The tutorial consists of three main units: "Fun Applications" ,"Internet of Things", and "AI and Image Processing". These units correspond to 16 articles, with each article completing a separate application project. <br /> <br /> In the first unit, we use the UNIHIKER for Turtle graphics and Pygame game development. In the following projects, we combine the UNIHIKER with sensors, actuators, and other hardware to implement SIoT (Smart Internet of Things) projects, image recognition in AI, speech recognition, and voice dialogue.<br /> <br /> In the tutorial projects, we use the "Python Mode" in Mind+ as the development tool and program using Python code. The tutorial progresses gradually from basic to advanced, helping readers not only master the UNIHIKER but also deepen their understanding and application of the Python language. Readers will learn about the common libraries in Python such as Turtle, Pygame, SIoT, OpenCV, Requests, and Pinpong. Additionally, they will supplement their knowledge with various hardware concepts and understand the practical applications of the learned knowledge.<br />