STEP1: Connect the sound sensor module to the pin P0 of the extension board; LED module to P1.

STEP2: Programming
1. Let’s begin to design our project according to the tips: drag “read analog pin P0” and “display” blocks from the “Micro: bit” module; drag out “if… then…else” block from the “Control” module; drag “

2. Read the analog value(0~1023) of “read analog pin P0” that connected with sound sensor to detect the sound of intensity.
3. Edit the programs to realize “sound intensity detecting”. “

Control the LED to turn on/off according to the value of the pin connected to the sound sensor.

1. Drag “set digital pin P0 output” block from “micro: bit” module to script area, and change P0 to P1.

2. Programming to make a “electronic candle”
When the analog value of sound sensor is less than the preset value 80, the LED keeps on, otherwise, blow it like a candle, when the sound intensity is over 80, the LED keeps off for 2 seconds.