MindPlus Coding Kit for Arduino Tutorial is well applicable to students aged 9 to 14. It is based on the easy-to-use Gravity sensors and Arduino UNO, which allows kids to convert their creative ideas into reality in a convenient and fast way. Moreover, the kit supports Mind+ and Arduino IDE programming. <br /> We choose programming software Mind+ in the course, which allows kids to learn programming regardless of their current levels. Just like Scratch, drag and snap, then a program can be made. Also the codes are displayed on the code preview section for better learning.<br /> The course for this kit will first start from lighting up an onboard LED on Arduino to help students step into the world of coding. Then more sensors and actuators will be used to realize complicated functions in later projects. Four aspects are covered in the courses: algorithms & programming, computing system, network & internet, data analysis. Students will practically participate in the projects like Express transportation detection via IoT, Mobile smart client, and so on, during which they will get to know basics about coding, internet, and different data types and parameters as well as build logical thinking skills. <br /> <div> <br /> </div>