The Arduino Getting Started tutorial consists of 30 projects designed to guide learners through the fundamentals of Arduino, progressing from basic concepts to more advanced topics. This comprehensive tutorial covers both software and hardware systems, providing a well-rounded understanding of Arduino. Throughout the hands-on projects, students will not only acquire essential programming skills, including variables and functions, but also gain practical knowledge of electronic components such as LEDs, resistors, capacitors, diodes, sensors, and motors. This course offers an engaging, step-by-step approach to mastering Arduino while creating fun and interactive projects.
Getting Started with Arduino
Arduino tutorial 01 - Blinking A LED
Arduino tutorial 02 - SOS Beacon
Arduino tutorial 03 - Traffic light
Arduino tutorial 04 - Fading Light
Arduino Tutorial 05 - RGB LED
Arduino Tutorial 06 - Alarm
Arduino tutorial 07 Temperature Alarm
Arduino Tutorial 08 - Detecting Vibration
Arduino Tutorial 09 - Auto Light
Arduino Tutorial 10 - Moving a Servo
Arduino Tutorial 11 - Interact with Servo
Arduino Tutorial 12 - RGB Light Dimmer
Arduino Tutorial 13 - Motor Fan
Arduino Tutorial 14 - Infrared Controlled Light